About Us

About Us

This is about DONGGUAN Imia Electronics Co., Ltd
About Company

Our Mission

Type C Charger China Wall USB Charger Manufacturers Unveiled

This compaony was created to give accessibility to people who needs type c charger in order to fill the latest change that is happening with smartphones. With the help of China Wall USB Charger Manufacturers the charging experience is getting easy and cheaper. Nowadays, Cellphones don’t include chargers because this item became more advanced and complex. Currently, customers have a plenty of chargers for one cellphone. They need to choose between prices, power, technology, quality and design.

We want to give all this options for a customer’s decision. We sell chargers, cables and power bank. Each of them has many different capacities and others characteristics too. We provide advisory to all people who has a store and they need to buy in a wholesale way. We don’t just sell chargers; we are a Top China Wall USB Charger Manufacturers who gives all the pack. Advisory, quality products and good attention to all our good customers. This is what make us different from our competition. China Wall USB Charger Manufacturers has the large scale area where IMIA has taken a good place. Check our products to know more about us.

Our Vision

As a company type c charger supplier, we have a vision to become the leader of the market, giving innovative products with high quality to the needs of our customers so they can overcome expectations.
We are focused on being a responsible company and compromising with the environment, using quality materials, and being friendly with the planet.

What We Do

Giving efficient products at an affordable price is our fundamental value. If you go to a common place to get a Type C charger and ask for a helpful device to charge your cellphone they could give you the options that they have without differences.
We want to make a difference not give what we have. We want to give what the customer needs in their store an also give chargers that they never see before.

About Company

Our Values

High technology
Skilled team
Your battery safed
24/7 Support
High security
Affordable price
Innovative designs

We have some years in the type c charger business
but we can give something that a big company can’t.
A personalized service.

When we started our company, we had a clear idea about
why chargers won’t be included in cell phones packed?
Because its technology is revolutionary. Nowadays we have
sorted of chargers and people need a guide who can provide it
we want to be that guide to get the best charger.

We are professional factory

Best technology


We sell in whosale

Affordable price

Many kind of chargers

More options to give

We are ready to help you

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